Christmas Eve

24/12/2023 13:50

Our hearts were saddened yesterday to find out that one of our regular attendees had passed away. Her husband was with us in church this morning. Please pray for God's grace for him and his family.

We had goot attendance this morning and enjoyed showing everyone the progress on the sanctuary. We are all excited to soon have this part of the project finished.

We enjoyed studying the docrtine of the Holy Spirit in SS. In the morning service, I preached on Jesus being presented to God at the Temple from Luke 2. My message was, "Behold Him" and questioned whether or not we see Him for Who He is. There was a good Spirit and we're thankful for God's blessing on our morning of ministry.

Tonight at 6pm is our church carol sing service. Some have indicated they will be there whom we've not seen in church for quite some time. Please pray with us that they will come and that the Gospel will be clearly presented.

Our church is blessed to have a great group of prayer and financial supporters behind us in our ministry and church work. May God bless each of you with a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Below are some pictures from our street evangelism in Edinburgh yesterday morning. Our church handed out candy canes with our Christmas Flyer.