Flyers and church works...

15/04/2024 16:48

I was able to get out this morning and put out some literature. The weather forecast was for storms, but they missed us. I put out a couple hundred leaflets with invitations to our church on one side and the Gospel on the other.

In our church project, last week and this week we have been working on finishing the sound room. Today we were able to get the first coat of paint on it. My family all pitched in and we also; painted the shower room, plastered where the water damage happened in the handicapped toilet, mowed the grass, cleaned up the commercial kitchen....

Meanwhile, on the USA home front, my father is not doing well. He's falling daily or several times a day. Please pray for grace for Him and for my mom. It's hard to know what to do when it would be impossible for him to be monitored 24/7.

THANK YOU for your prayers. They are much appreciated!