A divine appointment

02/10/2013 11:38

The Lord gave me a divine appointment this morning as I was putting out flyers. I was praying about an opportunity to speak to someone after having no opportunities the first hour. The Lord soon gave me a great opportunity with a young man (24), M___________, who has not thought about eternity, creation, etc.  When I first arrived here, I didn't believe someone could never think about God. But now I am convinced that this generation can leave spiritual truths alone. He wasn't opposed to thinking about it, he just hasn't.

He was very interested to look at some verses about the Gospel and to see prophecy in Scripture. I showed him Psalm 22 and Romans 1. Please pray that he will read the John and Romans that I left with him.

I appreciate your prayers for divine appointments. The Lord gave me a good opportunity yesterday as I walked near my home. Please pray for M___________'s husband. She asked me to say a prayer for him. He is elderly and in failing health. I prayed for him as we walked together. M______________'s daughter attends a Baptist church. Thanks for praying for us.

(I was able to get my new flyer prepared yesterday. It is now being printed. I'll put copies of it below.)