A good start to our busy week....
The Lord gave us a good start to a very busy week. We had pretty good attendance this morning although several of our children were missing. We gave a book (A Scottish Christian Heritage) as a thank you gift to Holly as well as a love offering from the church and thanked her for her ministry this summer. She heads back to the USA on Wednesday. Please pray that God will watch over her on her travels.
I preached this morning on, Proverbs 1:20-33, Live Wisely or Die Foolishly. It strikes me as the Gospel in the Old Testament. It certainly answers the question of why it is difficult to see people get saved.
Tonight we have a prayer/praise/Lord's supper service followed by set up for our Holiday Bible Club in Loanhead. Our club runs Monday - Friday from 10:30 - 12:30. We're going to pray specifically that we can reach families. Please pray with us about that.
Thank you for your prayers. Nelson has done very well this week with no further migraines, praise the Lord. I need to get to the Apple store to ask why my phone is not recording through the audio input jack. Lord willing, that prayer request will be answered soon as well. The audio quality was pretty good today despite not recording directly to my phone.