A great start to Christmas

19/12/2021 13:57

God gave us a great start to Christmas as Kay Lee arrived safely home this morning. We praise the Lord for God's provision through a family member for her to come home for Christmas. We haven't seen her since she left for camp this past May.

Our service this morning went well. Katie was unable to attend due to illness. So, we adjusted some things, but still had a good morning. I preached on Luke 2, A Christmas Carol Story. We found the Christmas Carols in the Christmas story and enjoyed focusing on the birth of the Lord.

Yesterday, we viewed a potential church property. It is a house with a decent size garden where we could potentially build an auditorium. Please continue to pray for wisdom. This home is in a very good location. We can afford to purchase it, but we would need to wait on the Lord for His provision to build. Prayer appreciated....