A little visitor

15/05/2022 14:16

God blessed us with a first time attender this morning. She is the little friend of a family in our church. It was great to have her (8) come. She really enjoyed it and wants to come again.

The theme of today seems to be facing opposition in the will of God. In Sunday School we considered how David ran to the Lord in time of difficulty. In the morning service I preached part 1 of Keep Looking UP from Hebrews 12:1-3,  a message on running our race. I ran out of time and decided to finish this sermon next Sunday. Tonight in our study of Proverbs we have some strong teaching about the adversity we will face in the will of God.

Please pray that God will use these messages to encourage us as we take a strong stand for truth. Lord willing, the new flyer, "Open Letter to Government" will begin to go out." I am struck more and more by the animosity towards those who hold traditional and Biblical positions about modern controversies. 

Our facebook advertisement on the open letter has generated some difficult feedback. I know that we will likewise receive negative feedback despite the gracious tone of the open letter.

This morning I wrote down some thoughts about that,...

"It's a sad day in a Christian nation when a church is accused of believing the Bible and that their belief in God's Word is described as being hateful and offensive."

"If a church is not following God's Word, who's word are they following? If they aren't beliving God's Word, who's word are they believing? If they are not preaching God's Word, who's word are they preaching?"

The feedback is visible on our facebook page for those with access to facebook. I'm leaving up anything that does not have profanity to allow truth to be brought into clearer light.  Please pray for the power of God to convict - and save lives that will be killed through abortion - save young people from lifestyle choices that will ruin their lives - save families from sin that will destroy their union - save souls from an eternal Hell to which they do not believe they are going.