A New Name in Glory

26/04/2012 20:06

Michael prayed this evening to be saved.  He showed good understanding of the Gospel and wanted to pray to accept Jesus as His Savior.  Please pray for this young man.  He is starting lesson two in his discipleship book.

Tonight we looked at Psalm 23.  Although a very familiar Psalm the Lord encouraged my heart as I shared it and I believe He encouraged the other's hearts as well.  We had the Hikin family, Michael and Skye with us this evening. 

We'd appreciate more prayer for our health.  Kay Lee has had stomache issues ever since we got sick the beginning of last month.  She has an appointment tomorrow.  Please pray that the Dr. investigates in the right direction.  Other's of us are having stomache issues this week as well.  We have booked a self catering cottage next week for a holiday. We'd like to be well so that we can enjoy a holiday away.  Would you please pray for God's healing hand?  Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord and thank you for praying for our ministry.