A unfortunate coincidence

29/04/2012 13:02

Thank you for praying for strength for us for today.  The Lord gave us the strength that we needed this morning and we had a good morning.  Michael, Adelle, and the Hikins were present for Sunday School and church.  I asked for short testimonies about when you got saved this morning and Michael shared his testimony from Thursday night.  That was a blessing.

The unfortunate coincidence took place during the morning service.  I was preaching on, "The Blood" from the first passover and the last supper, when Nelson hit Parker with a tool in the nursery.  Katie had to get our resident Doctor, Dr. Pilkington (Adelle) to help stop the flow of blood.  Thankfully Parker is ok and will not need stitches.

Please continue to pray from our recovery from another virus.  Lord willing, this week will be a good week of rest as we go on Holiday (vacation) Monday - Friday.  We may not update our page this week - but know that we appreciate your prayers.  Thanks for keeping up with our ministry.