A very fun morning...

09/07/2023 14:43

God blessed us with a tremendous morning with many visitors who attended for our baptismal service. It was a blessing to have them with us and to see two of God's children obey Him in believer's baptism by immersion. 

We also have our NBT evangelists with us. Tyler spoke this morning in SS. Tonight Luke will be sharing God's Word. Please pray for the power of God upon our ministry this week as we have ages 5-12 every morning this Monday through Friday. On Tuesday through Thursday in the evening we will be having youth activities for teens.

This morning I preached on taking divine appointments, "Go and Tell" from Acts 8, the story of the Ethiopean Eunuch. 

There were other blessings today and we praise God for His goodnees. Please pray for the baptistry to be more often in use. This was our first baptism at our new property and we are thankful to God for His goodness.