28 July, 2013
Our hearts broke this morning to learn of the tragic bus accident in Indianapolis. Most of you are probably aware that Colonial Hills Baptist Church lost 3 precious lives in the accident and that many others were injured. We know the families of two of those who died and have been praying for God's super abundant grace for all.
God gave us a good normal Sunday. These are the building blocks for the future and God gave us a solid day. I preached this morning on the lost coin and the lost sheep in Luke 15. Next Sunday I am preparing to preach on the lost son. I was encouraged today to realize that the Son of man has come to SEEK and to save that which was lost. Praise God He is active in pursuing.
Tonight we looked at the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8. God had a plan to take the Gospel to Ethiopia and it involved a strategic encounter with a man seeking God and the man of God. Thanks for praying for our ministry. These are days where you are just trusting the Lord for another toe hold to get His work done. We appreciate your prayers.