Another Open Door

05/03/2021 09:28

We're thankful that God is opening ministry opportunities during lockdown. Our church supports three missionaries. One of which is the Layton Kelly family in Ireland. Layton runs his church RU (Reformers Unanimous) program. God has also allowed him to establish New Hope Residential Centre. New Hope is a men's home. They can house about 20 men. Over the years I've enjoyed getting to know several residents of the home at a men's retreat in Ireland.

Lately God put on my heart to offer to speak to the men if Layton had an opportunity. I expected a one off opportunity or maybe occasional. However, Layton offered a weekly opportunity and I'm confident that God would have me to do that. I'm going to be speaking to the men at 11 AM on Mondays. (I also have an extra opportunity in a few minutes to preach to them today.) Your prayers for God's blessing are apprecaited.

God gave us a good midweek service last night. I have really enjoyed our study of Hebrews. I think last night was lesson 25. The focus was on "Why Jesus Came."

Yesterday morning live session of The Journey was on Foundational God. We need a strong ROCK upon which to build our lives. Jesus is our ROCK. Thanks for praying.