Back at it....

12/11/2012 16:37

It was good to get out today for a couple hours and put out flyers. It seems like it has been a while since I have been able to do that. Lord willing, we will be getting our schedule back soon. I had two divine appointments while I was out. One was with an unbeliever and one with a believer. I was able to put out around 300 flyers/invitations to visit our church.

The Lord has provided many things for our new home. You can't go to garage sales in Scotland. So, you have to know where to look for good used items. They have a website here that is great for finding things. That has provided for many of our needs. But, the Lord provided something in an unusual way on Saturday. I was going to the recycle center which is called a "tip." As I was unloading my vehicle a man passed me with a large wood framed bevel mirror. I turned to the guys at the center and said, "That is a really nice mirror." They said, "Ask him for it if you want it." Anyway, I couldn't stop smiling all the way home.  It is 40"x50", weighing in at around 75 pounds, beautiful mirror which now hangs in our guest bedroom/ office.  Isn't God good?

Thanks for praying for Kay Lee. Please keep praying. We had a scary episode during the night where she had great difficulty breathing. I was contemplating calling emergency but she settled down. I took her to the doctor today and they believe that it is just a viral infection. But, with her very large tonsils it does cause problems when she has anything clogging up her throat. Would you please pray for God to help this infection clear up and give her grace to get a good nights sleep tonight? We were up for a couple hours during the night.

Please also pray for Kirk and Carrie's wee man, Brodrick.  He had to return to the hospital over night last night because he was a bit jaundiced. Thanks for your prayers.