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16/07/2022 21:25

We made it. About, 2,000 miles and many blessings later, we have arrived back home. What a great trip.

The reason we go is what we get when we are there. SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT. As much as we love seeing the beauty of God's creation as we got to travel through Scotland, England, France and Germany, the greatest take away is what God gives us through fellowship, prayer, singing, preaching and teaching. We're very thankful for your prayers. God's hand was very evident on this trip.

About camp: Pastor Tim Berlin was the preacher for the adults. He pastors Faith Baptist in Clinton Township, Michigan. Pastor Jeremy Cochran was the preacher for the teenagers and young adults. He pastor's Calvary Baptist in Huntsville, AL. Miss Cindy Bunker was the one ministering to the children. This was Cindy's 20th camp. She just retired from the financial department at Baptist World Mission. The kid's love her. 

We meet at a retreat centre in Germany. It's owned by a brethren church which meets in the property on Sundays. It has hotel rooms, conference room and a dining area. It's surrounded by woods with beautiful walks. We had 3 preaching sessions every day. One of those sessions is divided with men and woman having separate sessions. Thursday night is a fun night with skits which take a couple of hours. The afternoons are free for sports and an outing. On Thursday we went down an alpine slide.

God is so very good to give us friendships with our BWM missionary family. There were a lot of tears and much laughter. Thank you so much for praying for this time away. Please pray that we will keep every blessing God gave us this past week.