BIG HOUSE answer to prayer

01/10/2012 18:10

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick but when that desire cometh it is a tree of life." 

The Lord has allowed us to acquire a home that is renting for the first time. It is only 400 yards from the place where we meet for church. Please understand most housing in the UK is smaller than the US.  This is a big home even by US standards.  It is a 4 bedroom property with 3 bathrooms. It has a huge living room and a large kitchen.  Most yards are also very small.  This one is about 30 by 80 feet.

I am not saying that to "brag" about the home we are getting. I am saying that to say, "God has done something really wonderful that only He could do."

I'll put some pics below for you to see. Thank you for digging in and patiently praying with us about this. We waited and God answered.  Praise His name.