busy work....

07/09/2021 17:46

I needed to take today as a utility day. There are several extra things on my "to do" list as we get ready to change locations this coming Sunday. I ordered a large banner for the front of the church. I also ordered all of our outdoor signage for our posters directing people to the building and into the building. 

Today I worked on getting the new address onto all of our online pages. (webpage, facebook page, sermon audio page, google maps, etc.) We also moved our things into a cupboard on the new property. Praise the Lord we won't have to put things into and out of vehicles. While we were there, we set up the church to get pictures for our advertising. I've just promoted an add on facebook. Please pray for God's help as we seek to direct people to our new location.

Thanks for praying as we prepare to restart our old schedule in this new location.