Citizenship Day

27/10/2016 09:32

We have an appointment this afternoon for a citizenship ceremony where we will receive our certificate of British Citizenship. Praise the Lord. We asked the Lord when we came to "plant us in this land with His whole heart and soul." (Jeremiah 32:41) God is definitely doing that.

I had some good news last night. Due to a cancelation on the part of another missionary there is room for me on a trip to Israel that Baptist World is organizing along with Shalom Ministries. That trip is in January and I look forward to sharing with you how the Lord uses that in my life. My wife is excited because she has been burdened about getting me on a trip like this and God has opened the door.

I was able to put out flyers yesterday morning. Due to illness and Katie's absence it had been 2 weeks since I was able to get out. Please pray that God blesses His Word to the hearts of those who received it.

Tomorrow night is a youth activity and we would appreciate your prayers for that meeting. I'm going to preach on the contrast between the Righteous and the Wicked from Proverbs 13.

Special Prayer Request: The Hikin's rental home is being put up for sale. They are going to need to find housing by January. There are some special circumstances that could make that difficult. I know that Mark would appreciate your prayers.