Day of prayer and outreach update.

26/01/2023 11:07

It was a joy to get together with two other men for the day of prayer. Unfortunately three others were not able to be with us. One had car trouble (both cars in the garage). Another was ill and needing to recoup. A third had a meeting that had to take place on that day. 

Thankfully, our prayer meeting isn't dependent upon one another. It is ALWAYS  a blessing to those who are able to make it (and we trust it is a blessing to those who could not attend as we prayed for them.)

Yesterday, Don Dillman and I got back to our outreach together. The Dillmans returned a month ago from a 3 month furlough. It was good to catch up at the day of prayer as well as during our outreach on Wednesday. I got a very positive phone call last night from a man who received the open letter. He had some great questions. I was able to share the Gospel with Him (about half an hour on the phone) and he may visit our church. Please pray that He would do so. Regardless, I'm very thankful for the divine appointment.