divine appointments

17/02/2021 11:19

I can't wait until I can get into Edinburgh on a nice sunny day and have great evangelistic opportunities. However, for a pretty cold day, God gave me several divine appointments.

One man I met works at the static caravan site. (Mobile homes) I've witnessed to some of the other employees over the years ad he said, "Oh, ______ told me about you." He didn't say it in a bad way - so I took it in a good way. I first witnessed to the other man 9 years ago or so. This man is an atheist, but said, "Don't get me wrong. I still pray at times." It turns out his sister in law, Paula (32) has just been put into an induced coma. She gave birth two days ago and got a bad infection. Will you please pray for her healing? I hope to hear an update from him. I asked to pray for her and we took off our hats and asked God's healing for her.

The second man was an older gentleman who attends the Church of Scotland but doesn't know if he is going to Heaven. I went through a summary of the Gospel with Him. Hopefully his sister (used to be a teacher) can use the QR code and they can watch some of The Journey.

The third opportunity was with Jimmy. I've witnessed to him several times over the years. He reminds me of my grandpa Shore. Jimmy does not have any family and is probably in his mid 80's. I gave him a John and Romans. Please pray for his salvation.

I spoke also very briefly with a man who said he was agnostic.

God's good to give these opportunities and I praise Him for opening these doors in answer to prayer. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.