Edinburgh evangelism....
I had an interesting morning as I went into Edinburgh. I had three opportunities as I caught the bus into Edinburgh. These were all people I have witnessed to before. The first was at the bus stop. The second as I got on the bus and a man who works near our church was sitting in front. I spoke with him on my way to find a place to sit. God's been working in this young man's life and I hope to see him visit our church.
The third was very interesting. I took my seat just at the top of the stairs and saw a young man boarding. I witnessed to him last week in Edinburgh and we share the same first name. We were 6 miles from where we had talked. I greeted him by name as he got to the top of the stairs.
Another interesting thing about today was the filming of a major film in Edinburgh. I walked by where the filming was taking place and saw all the equipment. I was able to witness to a young man from Glasgow who was part of their work crew.
The best witnessing opportunity was with Paddy. Please pray that he will visit the church. God has prepared his heart and he gladly took a John and Romans. He said was we parted, "I can't say when, but I'm going to visit your church." I hope he does. We spoke for about 20 minutes and God's leading was evident. His dad works about 6 blocks from our church location and he knows the property where we meet. Thanks for praying!