Edinburgh evangelism....

16/03/2020 11:52

It was a sunny Monday morning and God allowed me to get into Edinburgh. We weren't able to door to door last night as it downpoured right at our outreach time. God knows.... we enjoyed some fellowship time.

I had one opportunity to engage someone in conversation this morning. Michael is Orthodox religion. Please pray for God to awaken his heart. He was cordial but standing on the opposing side against the Word of God.

A funny conversation was with an older man who said, "You know our great philosopher, David Hume. You should follow Him." I said, "No, I'll follow Thomas Chalmers, he's in Heaven." He said that the only thing I can enjoy is this life and that I had better make the most of it. I replied that he can't say that. He said, "I just did." I said, "The devil says a lot of lies and I don't believe him either." It was a conversation in good humour. Please pray for God to awaken that old atheists heart.