
08/07/2018 13:05

God gave us an encouraging morning. One young lady was back who has been absent for about a month. We've been praying for her and were so pleased to have her with us in church this morning. Holly (13) had her friend who is also 13 at church with her this morning. That was also a wonderful blessing. I preached this morning on "Getting Spiritual Help from God" from Colossians 1:9-11. Paul knew that the young church of Colossae had some needs that only God could meet. We need those things for God as well.

We are on our busy Sunday as we are soon leaving for our afternoon service at the Trust. Please pray for God to do a great work in these folks hearts. 

Tomorrow begins our HBC in Auchendinny. One lady called and let us know that she will have her daughter there on 3 of the days. Please pray for many others to come. Thank you for praying for God's blessing on this ministry.