evangelism and church missions

07/02/2024 13:25

Our church faith promise went well and we were able to take on another missionary, Fauso D'Amelio, for partial support. We aren't far off from being able to do full support and I hope further commitments may come in. Regardless, this is wonderful news as our church missionary program can move forward. Fausto is an Italian national church planter. He and his wife, Maria Pia, just had a baby boy, Samuel. We're excited about this young family who started their church this past September.

In outreach news, our weather has been bad recently. Is this a surprise? No, this is Scotland. :) It's been SUPER windy and rainy for quite some time. It was a blessing to have dry weather yesterday which allowed me to go down street preaching. Because the wind was still significant, I found a new place to preach which was a bit more sheltered. Please continue to pray for the power of God upon this ministry. I always feel my weakness and my need for God's enablement. (Here is a link to the video - on our church sermon audio page.)

Today, is a beautiful day. Pastor Dillman joined me in our area to put leaflets out in the village of Roslin. Please pray for God to do a great work in that village. We already have one from that village in our congregation. We saw another person their profess faith in Christ. And, we recently had a visitor come from there after receiving the same flyer.

In church building news; the baptistry is taking shape, A pastor contacted me yesterday about helping with a project. It was encouraging to sense his interest in what God is doing here. The electrical was put into the stage. A builder in England is praying about bringing a few guys from his church up to renovate our church toilets. (Bathrooms) He is also willing to supply much of the materials. Tomorrow, I am speaking with a believer in England who helps churches free of charge to get their technology set up. So, these are busy days and much wisdom is needed. Thank your for praying.

PS: The baptistry is one where the person being baptised is seated. The minister stands outside the pool in this case to the right.Our weather has been bad.

Today, is a beautiful day. Pastor Dillman joined me in our area to put leaflets out in the village of Roslin. Please pray for God to do a great work in that village. We already have one from that village in our congregation. We saw another person their profess faith in Christ. And, we recently had a visitor come from there after receiving the same flyer.

In church building news; the baptistry is taking shape, A pastor contacted me yesterday about helping with a project. It was encouraging to sense his interest in what God is doing here. The electrical was put into the stage. A builder in England is praying about bringing a few guys from his church up to renovate our church toilets. (Bathrooms) He is also willing to supply much of the materials. Tomorrow, I am speaking with a believer in England who helps churches free of charge to get their technology set up. So, these are busy days and much wisdom is needed. Thank your for praying.

PS: The baptistry is one where the person being baptised is seated. The minister stands outside the pool in this case to the right.