False alarm...

11/08/2021 15:52

It was supposed to rain later this morning. So, Don and I went East instead of South to do evangelism. It has not yet rained here yet, so it is either very delayed or it dissipated.

I'm starting to go to more distant villages again with Gospel flyers. This morning Don and I did the little village of North Middleton (about 20 minutes away.) We didn't have any very obvious divine appointments. However, we enjoyed fellowshipping and getting the Gospel out. 

We also stopped to look at a large piece of land that is for sale in our area. We continue to investigate any potential properties. There is no green light yet in any direction. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Tonight our church is going to have a midweek prayer service that is focused on this need. Please pray for God to reveal His plan at just the right time. Thanks for praying.