Flyers for Football Tournament
This morning we began putting out flyers for our football tournament as well as the new Gospel flyer. Jonathan Washer and I went into Auchendinny this morning and did about 250-300 houses. I also showed him around the Glencouse Centre where the tournament will be held. This even is going to be here before we know it.
We enjoyed a good prayer time last night as our men gathered to pray. Bernard and Violet are a sweet older Christian couple who have become dear friends of ours. Bernard has met with us for our weekly prayer time for a couple years. He also regularly attends our church. Violet attends our ladies meetings and church when her mobility allows her to do so. They are moving to England on Saturday. We will really miss them but also know that God has definitely directed them down there. Please pray for them as they move South.
We have a busy weekend coming up. We have a youth activity on Friday. If the weather holds, Saturday morning will see our church putting flyers out on Princess St. in Edinburgh. Tuesday is our fellowship meeting. We'd appreciate your prayers for each one of these ministry opportunities.