Flyers in Edinburgh

07/08/2012 15:46

I was praying about what to do this morning and thinking about going into Edinburgh.  As I was praying about it, I opened my Bible and read Jonah 1:2   "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me."  That seemed pretty clear to me and so I spent the day giving out flyers in the great city of Edinburgh.

The Lord gave me several neat divine appointments.  The first was before I left.  I had witnessed to Jamie (girl) once before.  She remembered our chat and said that she had read the tract.  I talked to her again about the Lord.  Please pray that God will encourage her heart to faith in Him.  

Then, while I was waiting for my bus, I started a conversation with a man who had come to the bus stop.  As it turned out, he is a Baptist pastor in the city near where we live.  I had never met him before.  We sat together on the bus and enjoyed getting to know one another.

When I got off the bus, I Immediately witnessed to an Atheist for about 10 minutes, a catholic girl, Sarah, from Romania for about 10 minutes, a Catholic/atheist German young man (Marcus) and his girl friend for about 15 minutes.

The next young man, Marco, was from Portugal. He said that he only believes in what he can see but he talked with me for about 15 minutes.

The next conversation was with two atheists.  The interesting part of this conversation is that another man nearby was listening and I spoke with him next.  His name was also Marcus. We chatted for another 10 minutes.

Soon after that an American couple declined the flyer saying that they were leaving today.  I took about 10 steps and turned around because of their accent and asked where they were from.  They were a sweet Christian couple from Orlando.  It was refreshing to talk to believers.

I won't share all the opportunities because they are similar.  Most of those I spoke to today were atheists.  There were however two more interesting opportunities today.

Several months ago Ben and I chatted for an hour at the museum in Edinburgh. The Lord put us together again today as I was handing out flyers.  He looked at me and said, "We've met before" and it all came back. Please pray that God will work in his heart.  

I also gave a flyer to a tall athletic looking man in a professional looking team USA jacket. As I handed it to him I asked if he was on team USA and he said yes.  Unfortunately he kept going.  So, I have no clue who he was.  Thanks for praying for these opportunities.  Edinburgh is packed with people right now as it is the festival season.  (There are 7 international festivals taking place in the city this month.)