Flyers with Dane Vogelpohl

01/02/2013 20:36

Dane Vogelpohl and I were able to get out doing flyers today. But my first divine appointment was as I walked this morning. Please pray for R_________.  I've had two great chats with him.  I asked him this morning if he got our flyer. He crossed the street and told me that he still has it and that he is thinking about coming. I'm burdened for this guy. Please pray that he will come.

Dane and I put out around 600-700 flyers today.  It wasn't a beautiful day but the heavier rain held off until mid afternoon. There were two other divine appointments that the Lord had for us. It was a blessing to have Dane's help. Katie and Angie enjoyed getting out shopping later this afternoon. They got a well earned break from mothering. There were no broken bones and only two nappy changes in their absence. So, the dad's did ok. The kids (all ten of them) had a great time.  

Tomorrow morning I am taking Mark, 2 of his boys, 2 of my boys and Alec to a men's prayer breakfast. Please pray that God will give us a great prayer time. Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord. 

I get to share a brief challenge before we pray. I've got a quote by Mueller that I'm going to share, "Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, it is laying hold of God's willingness."  (I John 5:14-15)