Georgia Boys Choir

26/06/2017 21:07

Our family enjoyed a special treat today as the Georgia Boys Choir sang at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh. A man who works at Bob Jones is traveling with them and it was fun to speak with him as well. They were incredible! 

Afterwards I did evanglism in Edinburgh. People seemed especially hard today. However, I had a good open conversation with George who is an older man. I was able to share the Gospel with him and encourage him to accept Christ. Mel, was a middle aged woman, who is a Quaker. I found out that Quakerism is basically paganistic in belief of a power but no authoritative word (unless you chose to believe that.) Please pray that God will opens Mel's heart. I didn't hide the truth from her.

The last opportunity was the most fun and seemed to impact the hearts of those I was speaking to. It began with a conversation with three teen boys from Argentina on a park bench. It ended with a group of 15 teen boys from Argentina (their group was touring Edinburgh). 4 of them heard a full Gospel presentation and it was evident in their eyes that their hearts were open and understanding the truth. It ended with me sharing my testimony of salvation with all fifteen of them.  Please pray for their salvation.

Thank you for praying with us for divine appointments. God gave some really good opportunities to share the Truth today.


***** BIG PRAISE - the 14 year old who got saved on Saturday was in church Sunday night. We have planned discipleship. Please keep her in your prayers.