Getting back to "Normal"

18/04/2012 22:08

Hello friends,

Please be patient with me as I figure out the best way to post things and add pictures on this new format.  I would have to admit I think it looks a bit more professional and modern, but change is never easy-- or maybe it is just me!

The Lord has graciously brought us back to a state of good health.  I got back to jogging yesterday.  (Wait, don't let me fool you-- I can only jog for about 15 minutes, and then it turns into a walk!)  I also had a man "cheer me on" so I must have looked like I was about to die.  My husband has been able to get back to his regular routine of putting out fliers and preaching.  We have put Kay Lee on a dairy-free diet and her ailments have subsided!!  We are still going to take her to the doctor and get some advice.  She is accepting this change quite well; however, she is worried about having Nelson's birthday cake on Friday.  Thank you to many who were praying for our health needs.

Sunday School and Thursday night Kid's Club are going well.  Nelson is doing better while I teach (with a few clever tricks).  I enjoyed teaching lessons about the Easter events, and now the children are anticipating the story about the ascension!  This past month we had two new children attend and one that had been missing in action for a while.  I never want to underestimate any little seed that can be planted.  Pray for our little group -- issues such as behavior, illness, and lice would love to distract this teacher and come between me and these little souls.

Keep on keeping on,


ps... Ahhh, I can't find the spell check, so I hope you can sleep after reading any mispelins :)