Getting closer to purchasing.

05/02/2023 13:42

Thank you for praying for the building purchase. Lord willing, we will get to completion early this next week. God's timing is perfect and we are waiting upon Him. Meanwhile, next Sunday starts a week of special meetings with Evangelist Barry Webb. We enjoyed great visits yesterday with many friends whom we hope will attend these meeting. My family went out in the morning and after lunch to speak with specific people. 

We had a good day today. We still have some illness. Our treasurer has battled a chest cold for 8 weeks. Others of us have some health needs. Please pray for God to strengthen our church physically during these important days.

This morning I shared a topical message on 4 important growth charts for spiritual growth. (Salvation, Sanctification, Surrender and Service.) If you have a prayer list and pray for our church, please pray for God to grow our church in and through these areas.

Tonight is our Annual Meeting as we look back at 2022 financially, and make some decisions for our future. We vote tonight to add a regional name to our church. Everyone is excited about it. I'll let you know soon about that addition to our name.

God gave us refreshingly good attendance. It was a blessing to gather together this morning at perhaps our last Sunday meetings in our original church location. Thanks for your prayers.