
06/06/2022 12:53

Our youngest, Mac, turned 8 today. It's amazing having children that don't need you to tie their shoes, put on their coats, blow their noses, etc. :) It's fun watching the kids grow up. Mac is enjoying a fun day.

I put out flyers this morning for a couple of hours. I didn't have any noticable divine appointments, but was able to get much accomplished. I think I put out close to 300. As I was working my way back to my car, I thought I was going to run out. But, I still gave out 3 flyers to individuals walking past. I ended up being short on flyers.... by 3. I like it when God shows His hand on my day in small ways like that. :) Please pray for the power of God upon this flyer. "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in our day of prayer tomorrow. One of our men has covid. So, we are going to miss having him there. Please pray for he and his wife to quickly recover. Lord willing, we'll see him next week at a men's camp out.

Thanks for praying.