Good times...

05/06/2022 13:37

These are busy, but good times. We waited at the airport for 2 hours last night for Evelena and Mark to get out of the terminal. Security and baggage claim led to long delays. Praise the Lord, they made it! We're excited to have them with us, but regret that they have had to move because of a war. Please pray for God's watchcare over their family in Ukraine.

We also had some good contacts yesterday while knocking on doors. Thank you for praying for God's blessing on that ministry. We have two entities attending our church faithfully from door to door in the last six months. Another family has also visited in that time. So, God is using that ministry and we hope to see others respond. 

I preached a message this morning from 1 Peter 1:1-9, Endure. Peter spoke of persecution and all these texts on suffering are becoming more and more vital in our day. May God help us to endure.

I have two special prayer requests this week. The first is for our bi-monthly day of prayer this coming Tuesday. Please pray for the power of God upon that time. Also, on Wednesday I'm preaching the funeral of a woman who attended our church regularly several years ago. Please pray that I can be a comfort to the family and that God will be glorified in my ministry to them.

Thank you for praying for us, our church and our outreach. It is much appreciated.