good week

09/07/2022 14:18

We were able to get flyers out this past week on Tuesday. God gave three divine appointments. One was with a born again Christian and his son. He said that he had been saved for 20 years, but was away from the Lord for many of those years. Praise the Lord He has gotten right with God. It was a joy to meet him. 

I also spoke with an older woman. I used an illustration of our upcoming trip to Germany. I explained that I am going to check a few times to make sure I have my passport with me. She said, "I get it. I need to make sure I have my passport to heaven." Please pray for clear Gospel understanding for her as she has been a religious person.

The third opportunity was with a retired man who is an atheist. He was cordial and we spoke for 10-15 minutes. I hope that God will spark an interest in his heart and that he will come to faith. It was a good chat.

Today, Katie and I did door to door. We had a great opportunity to share Christ with a middle aged man. I hope we'll see this man visit our church as he lives very nearby. We also met a born again man from Australia. His family attends a good Gospel preaching church in Edinburgh. It is very rare to meet believers. Interestingly, there is another believing family in this community who told us a couple months ago that they had yet to meet any believers in this area. That family also attends a church in Edinburgh.

Tomorrow after the morning service our family begins our drive via the euro tunnel to Germany. Your prayers for our safety and for God's blessing at BWM (Baptist World Mission) family camp are much appreciated. Our church will be watching a video service tomorrow night. We don't like to travel on Sunday, but it is necessary to fascilitate our family getting to camp on time. Thanks for praying.