Great Day
God's blessed us with a great day. Katie is doing well! Praise the Lord. Thank you again for your prayers for her. A young lady, Rebekah, who is from Germany is with us for a few nights and arrived last night. We were thankful that Katie is well as the plan seemed like it might not work. Rebekah and Katie enjoyed walking around Edinburgh today.
I was also in Edinburgh doing street preaching. This morning was interesting. A man spat at my speaker a few minutes after I started. Then about 15 minutes into preaching a busker (street performer) set up very close to me and put on very loud music. I could not remain in that spot. I've preached through a lot of noise, but this was too much.
God had a great spot open for me very near the statue of David Livingstone. Livingstone is immortalised standing there with his hand raised gripping a Bible. God gave me tremendous liberty despite some pushback at times.
God also put on my heart to cut some of the preaching from this morning and make a 5 minute evangelism video for a Facebook advertisement. Would you pray that God would use it to bring at least one Scottish person to Jesus Christ? Please also pray that it will stir the hearts of believers to pray for Scotland.
If you are not on facebook and would like to see it, I've uploaded it to our sermon audio page. We appreciate your prayers. God is leading. God is working.