Great Lord's day....

10/05/2021 14:09

Our attendance was better yesterday and the Lord gave us good services. Lewis is very excited about his salvation. We are making plans to baptise him in two weeks time. Please pray for God's blessing that night as we fulfil that ordinance.

Our family is looking forward to getting away on holiday in the near future. We're going to spend a week up in the Highlands. Thankfully restrictions have lifted just in time to allow us this privilige. Who knows how many more times we will get away with all the kids at home? God knows.

I preached last night on Jethro's advice to Moses - Avoiding Ministry Burn Out. I appreciate our church family and their desire to get more involved in our church. Please pray that God will help myself and Katie to do well delegating responsabilities.

God has given tangible evidence that His hand is directing us in the pursuit of the bank property. Our church will be taking a love offering for the building on 30 May. Please pray for God's provision and for wisdom to see this all happen in God's perfect timing.