22/03/2020 09:23

It is wonderful today to have gorgeous weather as we meet together online as a church. We found out on Wednesday that the place we meet for church is no longer open due to the virus. God has given us great grace. Katie has worked hard to bring Kids Club and SS to our church on our church facebook page.

God helped me preach my first message to an online audience only. I preached on Godly Motherhood as this is our Mother's Day in the UK.

The Lord has also given grace to process some big changes in our furlough plans as we will be delayed at least a month in our departure to the States. Please pray for the Andersons and ourselves as we pray through this changing situation and seek God's mind for His plans.

We appreciate your prayers for Scotland and the UK. May God use this virus to awaken people to His truth and that they stop living as if there is no God. God is so very very good. We are seeing His blessings every day.