hot! :)

03/06/2013 15:17

Scotland is experiencing some wonderful weather just now. I did flyers in short sleeves this morning. We are glad to have hope of a summer this year! (Last year was record breaking in it's coldness, wetness and dreariness. And we just had the coldest Spring in 50 years.) 

The Lord gave me two great opportunities to open my Bible and share Christ.  Please pray for the two ladies and the man to whom I spoke. One was with a former Catholic and the other was with a Jehovah's Witness and an Atheist. (Interesting combination.) The JW read with me in Colossians 1 and said she didn't believe it and that it was not in her Bible. I asked her to get her Bible. She couldn't put her hand on it and grabbed her mom's Bible instead. (It was the same as mine.) Please pray that God will open her eyes to His truth and the Deity of Jesus.

Thanks for praying for these opportunities to speak to people about the Lord.