How do you spell tyred?
I'm not sure I should be typing this right now. I'm doing my best to wear these guys out but it isn't working. At least they are not complaining yet. God has helped us to get much accomplished. We've put out about 2,500 John and Romans thus far. We also passed out Gospel flyers in Edinburgh for a couple hours last night. God has given us some good witnessing opportunities.
I was surprised yesterday to see a man reading a Bible on the bus. He was just in front of me and it opened a conversation which lasted until he got off. He was saved 22 years ago and attends a church in Edinburgh. He doesn't live far from us and said that he would visit the church.
Tonight each of the young men shared their testimony in our mid week service. It was a great blessing. We had very good attendance and thank the Lord for a good night.
Please pray for our travels tomorrow. I'm going to take them on a day trip to the highlands. It is 240 miles of very twisty narrow roads. Thanks for participating through prayer in their mission trip. God's shown us His goodness in answer to your prayers.