Joy - but no joy :)

23/01/2022 13:04

Praise the Lord we had a good service today. One family made a heroic effort to be with us today. They had illness this past week plus a tootheache  that took them to Accident and Emmergency between 2 and 5 this morning.  We were thankful that they were with us. Please pray for God to releave the tooth infection. She has an emergency dentist appointment this afternon.

None of our visitors came, but the Lord met with us and we enjoyed a wonderful morning in the Lord's house. Please continue to pray for God to build our church spiritually and numerically.

I preached a message this morning on Felix, "In Danger of Hell." It was a sobering look at Felix who likely went to Hell as we considered, "You are in danger of Hell if..."

God's good. We're excited about what He is doing. With regard to our family, God provided a new to us vehicle yesterday and we're grateful for his provision. For the guys out there who care, it's a 2015 Renault Scenic Xmod, Diesel with 70k miles. We bought it for a very good price.

If you need some encouragement facing giants in the will of God, please listen in to our SS lesson this morning from the Life of David. It will be uploaded soon and I'll add a link to this thread. (Here is the link.)