Kid's Travel

09/08/2021 14:31

Our children leave the Bill Rice Ranch late this morning. Please pray for their travels. Kay Lee is heading South with family. She will be starting at Ambassador next week.

Benson is flying from Nashville to Atlanta, then to Amsterdam before heading to Edinburgh. Please pray for wisdom for him as he travels alone. (He doesn't have a device to communicate with us along the way.) 

The biggest prayer request for Benson's travel has to do with covid regulations. The government website in Scotland says that you must have proof of a negative covid test within 3 days of your departure. He has that. The information from his airline says that he must have a negative covid test within 3 days (72 hours) of his last transfer. They gave us that info too late. And, it would be almost impossible to meet that requirement. It can take up to 48 hours to get your results back. You also have to deduct his travel time. That being met, it would have been during the night that he would have needed to take his test.

So, prayer appreciated. We think what may happen is that he'll have to get a covid test along that way at an airport. 

Thanks for praying for the kids... and the parents.... as we all grow up. :) God's good. We're thankful that our kids got to serve the Lord full time this summer.