land contact made

26/08/2021 09:34

We were successful this morning in making contact with the group which owns the land of interest. Our prayer has been that we would at least get in touch with them and find out if they have any interest in selling us this property. Your prayers are appreciated as we wait to see what God will do in this instance. 

Yesterday Don and I were back out in Biggar putting out flyers. I should finish distributing flyers there the next time I go. We appreciate your prayers for fruit from our labours.

updated : I sent the following update to our church.

Dear Church Family,

I was able to get in touch with the owner of the property at the top of the Glencorse Golf Course.

He was very kind and they are open to selling it. He asked me what price and I said that I was thinking £150K. (They bought it in 2016 for £119K.) He said that we'd probably have to increase that significantly. I asked him if they could please come up with a price and I would see what we could do.

Please pray that if God wants us to get the property, He would help us....

1) To have favour in the eyes of the sellers (committee.)

2) To get exactly the price of His chosing.

3) To see Him provide the finances we need to purchase the land and build.

God is able. He is working. He has heard our prayers (last night included) and He is leading,

Pastor Ben

Dear Church family,
I was able to get in touch with the owner of the property at the top of the Glencorse Golf Course. 
He was very kind and they are open to selling it. He asked me what price and I said that I was thinking £150K. (They bough it in 2016 for 119K.) He said that we'd probably have to increase that significantly. I asked him if they could please come up with a price and I would see what we could do.
Please pray that if God wants us to get the property He would help us....
1) To have favour in the eyes of a the sellers (committee).
2) To get exactly the price of his choosing.
3) To see Him provide the finances we need to purchase the land and build.
God is able. He is working. He has heard our prayers (last night included) and He is leading.
Pastor Ben