Leaving for Israel....
We enjoyed having Don and Chris Dillman with us today. Don is preaching all the service today as I get ready to leave for Israel. I fly out later this afternoon. God gave us a great morning. We have gained some attendees since our carol sing service and hope that they continue to come. It's been a blessing having them there. Don gave us a good challenge this morning from Genesis 22, Abraham's sacrifice (in principle) of his son, Isaac.
Please pray for Katie and the kids in my absence. They are also jumping back into school this week. This is my first trip to Israel and I'm excited about the opportunity. God opened this door for me. Please pray for great benefit spiritually from my time over there. Please also pray for me next Monday as I get to share a 15-20 minute message with our tour group in Engedi. I'm going to preach on Jonathan, the Engedi Encourager.