Life is getting back to normal?
Have you ever tried to define normal? Whatever that elusive term means, we are seeking to get back to it after going through the holidays. We are getting back into the usual routine of life. The kids are in school and I am back to my full time ministry schedule.
The weather has been pretty rough the last several weeks. Today is the sunniest day we have had for a long time. The winds were light today as well. So, although it was in the mid 30's, it wasn't a bad day to get out. (I know that some of you in the States would be sweltering if the temperature was a balmy 30 degrees after your recent cold snap.) I put out flyers the latter part of this morning. I didn't have any divine appointments but it felt good to be back at the work of evangelism.
Mark Hikin is doing better. The abscess on his appendix still causes him pain. The consultant he spoke with today said that she expects this to continue for a couple of months. The next scan is hopefully going to be the beginning of next month. He would appreciate your continued prayers for God to take this abscess away.
A young lady from China is coming to Edinburgh as an exchange student. Another missionary has gotten her in contact with us. Please pray for her as she arrives in Scotland this Saturday. Lord willing, she hopes to be in church the following Sunday.