Midweek crisis....

21/07/2022 09:18

The "midweek crisis" yesterday was a kidney stone. Thankfully I am fine now, although it changed evangelism plans yesterday morning. 

Another interesting event this week was meeting with a young couple who are interested in truth. They saw the negative article against our church in the newspaper and thought, "If the news is saying they are bad, there must be something good." As they read the truth for which we were taking a stand, they agreed with us. Please pray that we can be a great blessing to this young family. We had a 3 hour chat on Tuesday.

Also, there is a newlywed couple arriving from the States next week. The bride is going to be studying at the University of Edinburgh. We are seeking to find housing for them. Please pray for God's provision of housing and employment for them. They are looking forward to visiting our church.

Another prayer request is wisdom as we continue to pursue God's will for a property. There is a former property of interest which we are again pursuing. More specifically we are praying about building a church/retreat centre which may allow us to get the planning permission we need. It would also open the door for some great ministry opportunities if God is in it. Please pray for wisdom.

Thanks for praying and following along with what God is doing at Free Baptist Church.