Midweek Report

08/04/2020 15:08

Well.... there isn't as much to share from isolation. God allowed me to help put out a couple hundred community flyers on Monday. Our local governement wanted to make people aware of where to go for help if they didn't have anyone else to assist them. I was going to help them out again today but found out that they had all been posted.

The Lord helped me get my next midweek service recorded today and it will be on our facebook page tomorrow. We're also going to start a Zoom church prayer meeting this evening. It will be fun to see everyone and to pray together. I think we'll also start a Sunday PM Zoom Bible study. We're currently recording Thursday evening and Sunday morning preaching services and two children's classes weekly.

I enjoyed a group online prayer time today with the missionary men in Ireland. They've started a weekly prayer time. God's given me some wonderful friendships with the men over there and it was a blessing to see everyone. Please pray for one younger missionary family who have all had a fever and still need to recover.

We appreciate your prayers for our online ministry. Please pray for visitors to attend our online services and for God's enablement in recording and sharing God's Word.