Monday ministry...

28/02/2022 13:42

God held off the rain this morning and it was good weather for outreach. I put out 250-300 flyers this morning. God encouraged me as I listened this morning to a couple messages by Pastor Jerry Ross. I don't know him, but my daughter recommended a couple messages he had preached at Ambassador. I very much appreciate his heart for the Lord.

God gave me one divine appointment. I passed a woman walking her dog. I actually passed her three times and chatted with her in passing each time. The final time she came past I spoke with her. She believes in God, but said that she has her own beliefs. I encouraged her to anchor her beliefs on what God says in His Word and gave her a copy of John and Romans. She knows our church location and enquired about our service times. I'd love to see her attend.

Our visiting family was back last night and the father has an unexpected (to him) hunger for God's truth. I'm meeting with him tomorrow. Please pray for God to do a glorious work in this family. We're so thankful to have them attending.