New flyer

03/05/2022 13:22

I preached last Wednesday and Sunday with a significant chest cold. So, I'm taking it easy this week and am not doing my regular outreach with flyers. However, I wrote a new flyer this morning and am working on prepping it for printing. I've also done a couple facebook advertisements. One is the message I preached this past Sunday which was a clear Gospel message. The second advert has to do with the new flyer, "Open Letter to Government." (Full letter and explanation here.) Please pray that Facebook will allow it to be promoted. It is currently under review.

I'll put the flyer below The flyer is a result of responding to a friend of mine in local government with a Post Script on issues which are hot buttons that the Government is pushing against God. I believe it is time for Christians to be outspoken about God's truth or we will be censured before we can take a stand.

Please pray for the power of God upon this effort. We need to challenge the ungodliness or the sad day is which we live or it will only get worse. God has awakened men before and God can do so again. Please pray for people who read this to humble their heart and say, "God you are right, I am wrong, please forgive me."

If you want to help with this wee effort and you are on facebook, please like/share the Gospel sermon post and the letter link post. The letter link is obvious. The Gospel sermon is the one that says, "No one can listen to this message and walk away without knowing HOW to be saved from Hell and on their way to Heaven. Why not trade one hour of physical life for open access to eternal life?"

Thank you for your prayers which avail much.