New Rental Location

03/09/2021 16:27

God has provided a new rental location where we can have all services. This is exciting as we wait on God for a permanent church home.

This location is definitely part of the, "Great and Mighty things which thou knowest not." I'm very familiar with our area, but was completely unaware of this property. I walk past it frequently and often see the sign, "Retail space available, inquire within." What the sign does not say is, "There is a perfect place for your church to meet."

I enquired and they have allowed us to meet there on a month by month basis. Please pray for God's blessing as we get back to our normal church schedule. We are very excited to be able to offer our kids club on Wednesday nights and to FINALLY GET OFF OF ZOOM. (Although we are thankful that we've had zoom, it is NOT the same as meeting together.)

Also, we are scheduled to view the church property (which may be sold) on 11 September. Please pray for wisdom to know if that property would be suitable.

We are still waiting to hear back on a price on the land. 

Here are some pics of our new location starting on the 12 September.