Ok, so yes, we are busy...

11/04/2023 17:32

I normally have updated this page 2-3 times a week. However, life has gotten busy and I've gotten behind in my update. God gave us a good week, weekend and start to this week. Our attendance Sunday was strong. There was a great spirit and we enjoyed a fellowship meal after both services. (The evening service fellowship is left overs.)

You probably would not be suprised to hear me say that I preached on the resurrection. We took a look at Calvary and the Empty Tomb. 

Yesterday and today, my family did some work projects at the church. The outdoor project was staining the fence along one side of the property. The interior project was painting the lower half of a wall around the fellowship hall. Both projects went really well.

Last week, we worked at the church as well and I built a sign board. We will soon have 4x4 foot church sign in place there. It will be a vinyl printed sign on Aluminium backing.

Thanks for praying for us. It's busy, but all is going well.  The flat roof replacement and added insulation is nearly complete. The electrician should be finished with his work this coming Friday.