Outreach this week....

14/09/2022 11:45

God blessed us with good weather for most of this week. On Monday I put out flyers in a heavy mist, but it was good enough to get out. Tuesday Tommy and I went into Edinburgh and did street evangelism. I preached in front of a mall (St. James Quarter) which connects to the main shopping area in downtown Edinburgh (Princess St.) Afterward, we moved to Princess Street beside the National Gallery.  There were a lot of people out and about that morning. The Queen was Lying in State at St. Giles which is quite near that location.

Today Tommy and I put out flyers near his home which is on the East side of Edinburgh. I had one opportunity to witness with a man, Keith. Your prayers for our evangelism are much appreciated. We're trying to do what we can to get the Gospel out.

I realised as I went to add this post that I didn't update on Sunday. God gave us a good day. I preached on, "The Greatest Blindness" from Jesus healing of the blind man. (John 9)