outreach update....

18/08/2022 18:04

It's been a good outreach week. Tommy went into Edinburgh with me on Tuesday. We stopped at the shop and bought him the same umbrella (see previous post) as the rain continued into Tuesday. We both had one good witnessing opportunity.

On Wednesday Don Dillman came my way and we put out the, "Open Letter" flyer in Loanhead and Liberton (outskirts of Edinburgh next to Loanhead.) 

Today, I put out the flyer again in Liberton for a short while this afternoong. 

Our prayer meeting went well last night. We celebrated the 21st b-day of a young man, Cameron, who attends our church. It was fun to suprise him with a Costco Cake (for all of us) and present him with a study Bible. Please pray for God's grace for Cameron.

Last night I preached lesson 3 in our study of 1 Peter. We looked at 1 Peter 1:6-7 focusing on what to remember in times of trial.